


Glass House Theatrical

Glass House Distribution has access to select theaters, and based on the film, will determine if a theatrical release is the best course of action, and how to go about getting your film out there and into the market!



VOD (Video on Demand):


Glass House Distribution has access to all of these Video on Demand Platforms represented above.  Your film will definitely play on some of these platforms… and hopefully close to all of them!  Each platform represents more eyeballs for your film and more potential money in your pocket!


Foreign Sales:


Glass House Distribution has access to a large number of foreign buyers who buy independent films and documentaries.  Your film will be shown to a large number of potential buyers and could sell very well internationally.  Glass House Distribution has a presence at all major markets, including AFM (November), Cannes (May), and EFM (February)






Glass House Distribution will attempt to sell your film and documentary to television outlets, whether it is Pay TV (Showtime, HBO) or Free TV (Lifetime, Spike, TBS, etc).  Depending on your product, this is a potential sales outlet as well.




The traditional route of DVD distribution still applies if your film is judged by the buyers as a film that is right to be sold as a physical DVD.


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